Magical Renewal of Vows Ceremonies<

Why do you want a Renewal of Vows Ceremony?

Renewal of Vows is becoming ever more popular and reasons for doing this is varied:

For some couples its a chance to do it all again – the ceremony, the dressing up, having a good time with friends and family and of course saying “I do”.

For some couples, life has been difficult and not very kind, but they have got through those tough times and are still in love and they want to celebrate that by renewing their vows.

For some couples their wedding may not have been their dream wedding due to various reasons – financial, culture at that time, dictated by family, “We don’t do it that way” or circumstances beyond their control.

For some couple they have found a common interest together and want to share that interest with family and friends and renew their vows with that in mind.

Maybe for some – Why Not? “We want to have a Vows Renewal with the Wow factor, making some unforgettable memories.

What does American Express say about renewing your Vows?

According to research by American Express, almost a fifth of Brits plan to or have already renewed their vows.

Londoners are the most likely to have a second wedding, with 33% saying they would do so.

Couples in Birmingham were next most likely, with 21% and Leeds 19%.

When asked about the discovery, Director of American Express Jenny Cheung said: “It’s heart-warming to see that many couples are reaffirming their commitment to one another, whether they have been married five years or five decades.

“Our research showed that for more than a third (35%) of couples, renewing their vows coincides with a milestone anniversary, and a quarter (27%) see this as an opportunity to have the wedding they always dreamed of but perhaps couldn’t afford the first time around.

Whether you’re walking down the aisle again or attending a vow renewal ceremony, putting related expenditure on a card that earns rewards or cashback is one way of ensuring you give your finances some love too.”

Where to have your Renewal of Vows Ceremony?

The short answer is Anywhere.

There are no legalities in Renewing your Vows so the world is your oyster.

In this country or overseas?  Inside or Outside?  Intimate or a big party?

It could be somewhere personal to the the two of you.

It could be somewhere you have both wanted to go.

The Ceremony location sets the scene for the rest of the day, it will influence the ceremony itself, the food, the dress, the guests.

Your renewal of vows could take be in a place of worship, your garden, a beach, a mountain top, a park, a meadow, a hotel, a castle or a scenic destination in the Caribbean, Las Vegas, Spain, France, anywhere.

The most important part is that your Renewal of Vows location has a special meaning for both of you.

What can you include in a Renewal of Vows Ceremony?

Choosing a celebrant for your renewal of vows helps you to decide what sort of ceremony you want, helps you to realise your dreams and vision, gives you ideas of what you can include in a ceremony.

Walking down the aisle – Sometimes the couple will walk down by themselves and some will be accompanied by their children or friends.

Vows – These can be the original vows you had at your wedding or you can make new ones and you can write these yourself or I can help you with this.

Music – Again you can use the same as your original wedding or something completely different.

Rings – You could have a ring blessing, this is where the rings get passed around and blessed by friends and family. The rings could be presented on a wand or other meaningful container. Some couples may have new rings, others have an engraving on their original rings

Elements – The ceremony could include elements like handfasting, sand ceremonies (good for when younger children are involved)

If you have our own ideas let me know and I will be able to advise you and help you to have that magical Renewal of Vows Ceremony that you have in mind.

Do you have a theme?

Themed ceremonies are also becoming more popular and especially for Renewal of Vows, when they don’t have to think about what family or friends might say. There are no legalities to think about.

You may have discovered a common interest during your married life which you both want to celebrate. You may want a theme which can include family.

It be something you have always wanted to do.

Vikings themes are becoming popular and there are many ancient sites around our country which make for a beautiful backdrop and can include various elements, some taken from ancient Viking history. I love to research different cultures and create ceremonies and elements based on the original ceremonies.

A Beach Renewal of Vows may be something, you’ve always dreamed of, standing together gazing into each other’s eyes on a sun kissed beach, the backdrop of the beautiful sea sparkling in the sun.

Some places do need a permit to have a ceremony on a beach but these are usually easy to obtain.

Together we can create that magical romantic Renewal of Vows Ceremony.

I do love to travel.

Maybe a Medieval Renewal of Vows – You don’t need to go full out on themes, you just have a few elements of the theme.

It’s your magical day, your Vows Renewal.

I think a Medieval theme brings a real air of romance with the classic knight in shinning armour sweeping the love of their life off their feet.

Milton Keynes Modern Stone Circle

You could have a ceremony in a castle, a forest or an old church or a place I love – Milton Keynes Tree Cathedral

If you thinking of having a Renewal of Vows Ceremony I love to help you create a special ceremony.

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